Hollywood Actors

Collection of Classic Hollywood Actors

Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong

Anna May Wong

Anna May Wong was born in 1905 in Los Angeles. She was the first Chinese American film actress of note. In 1924 she acheived international stardom in the silent classic “The Thief of Bagdad” with Douglas Fairbanks. In 1929 she came to Britain to make “Picadilly”. Her major films include “Shanghai Express” in 1932 with Marlene Dietrich, “The Flame of Love”, “Daughter of the Dragon”, “Daughter of Shanghai” and in 1960, “Portrait in Black” with Lana Turner. She died in 1961.

IMDB entry:

Anna May Wong, the first Chinese-American movie star, was born Wong Liu Tsong on January 3, 1905, in Los Angeles, California, to laundryman Wong Sam Sing and his wife, Lee Gon Toy. A third-generation American, she managed to have a substantial acting career during a deeply racist time when the taboo against miscegenation meant that Caucasian actresses were cast as “Oriental” women in lead parts opposite Caucasian leading men. Even when the role called for playing opposite a Caucasian in Asian drag, as with Paul Muni‘s as the Chinese peasant Wang Lung in The Good Earth (1937), Wong was rejected, since she did not fit a Caucasian’s imagined ideal look for an Asian woman. The discrimination she faced in the domestic industry caused her to go to Europe for work in English and German films. Her name, which she also spelled Wong Lew Song, translates literally as “Frosted Yellow Willows” but has been interpreted as “Second-Daughter Yellow Butterfly.” Her family gave her the Engligh-language name Anna May. She was born on Flower Street in downtown Los Angeles in an integrated neighborhood dominated by Irish and Germans, one block from Chinatown, where her father ran the Sam Kee Laundry.

Located near a noxious gas plant and the L.A. River, Chinatown had been built on private property, so there were no sewers or running water. In 1900 the population of 2111 was 90% male, since US immigration laws of the late 19th and early 20th centuries would not allow a Chinese woman to immigrate unless she was already married to a US citizen. Nineteen Chinese had been lynched in a Los Angeles race riot instigated by Caucasians in 1871, and there were later, lesser riots in 1886 and 1887.

Until the Chinese emigrated to the US in the mid-19th century, they had never encountered a people who considered them racially and culturally inferior, nor been forced to deal with overt hostility by a people who considered themselves their racial superiors. Discriminated against in a way exceeded only by the racism directed towards African-Americans, their assimilation was impossible, so the Chinese in America bought property to create their own communities. Boxed out of American culture, their ties to China remained important and, forbidden by law to intermarry with whites, there was little chance of assimilation in the world Wong Liu Tsong was born into. She was destined to be one of the people who helped change that, but at a terrible psychological cost exacted upon her by both the oppressors and their victims.

The Wong family moved back to Chinatown two years after Liu Tsong’s birth, but in 1910 they uprooted themselves, moving to a nearby Figueroa Street neighborhood where they had Mexican and East European neighbors. There were two steep hills between the Wongs’ new home and Chinatown, but as her biographer, Colgate University history professor Graham Russell Gao Hodges, points out, those hills put a psychological as well as physical distance between Liu Tsong and Chinatown. Los Angeles’ Chinatown already was teeming with movie shoots when she was a girl. She would haunt the neighborhood nickelodeons, having become enraptured with the early “flickers.” Though her traditional father strongly disapproved of his daughter’s cinephilia, as it deflected her from scholastic pursuits, there was little he could do about it, as Liu was determined to be an actress. The film industry was in the midst of relocating from the East Coast to the West, and Hollywood was booming. Liu Tsong would haunt movie shoots as she had earlier haunted the nickelodeons. Her favorite stars were ‘Pearl White (I)’, of The Perils of Pauline (1914) serial fame, and White’s leading man, Crane Wilbur. She was also fond of Ruth Roland.

Educated at a Chinese-language school in Chinatown, she would skip school to watch film shoots in her neighborhood. She made tip money from delivering laundry for her father, which she spent on going to the movies. Her father, if he discovered she had gone to the movies during school hours, would spank her with a bamboo stick. Around the time she was nine years old, she began begging filmmakers for parts, behavior that got her dubbed “C.C.C.” for “curious Chinese child.”

Liu Tsong’s first film role was as an uncredited extra in Metro Pictures’ The Red Lantern(1919), starring Alla Nazimova as a Eurasian woman who falls in love with an American missionary. The film included scenes shot in Chinatown. The part was obtained for her by a friend of her father’s (without his knowledge) who worked in the movie industry. Retaining the family surname “Wong” and the English-language “Christian” name bestowed on her by her parents, Liu Tsong Americanized herself as “Anna May Wong” for the movie industry, though she would not receive an on-screen credit for another two years.

The rechristened Anna May Wong appeared in bit parts in movies starring Priscilla Dean,Colleen Moore and the Japanese-born Sessue Hayakawa, the first Asian star of American movies. Due to her father’s demands, she had an adult guardian at the studio, and would be locked in her dressing room between scenes if she was the only Asian in the cast. Initially balancing school work and her budding film career, she eventually dropped out of Los Angeles High School to pursue acting full time. She was aided by the fact that, though still a teenager, she looked more mature than her real age.

Director Marshall Neilan cast the teenage Anna May in a bit part in his film Dinty (1920), then gave her her first credited role in the “Hop” sequence of Bits of Life (1921), the American movie industry’s first anthology film. In “Hop” Wong played Toy Ling, the abused wife of Lon Chaney‘s character Chin Gow, which the Man of a Thousand Faces played in Chinese drag. She next appeared in support of John Gilbert in Fox’s Shame(1921) before being cast in her first major role at the age of 17, the lead in The Toll of the Sea (1922). She played Lotus Flower in this adaptation of the opera “Madame Butterfly,” which moved the action from Japan to China. “The Toll of the Sea” was the first feature film shot entirely in Technicolor’s two-strip color process. By appearing top-billed in this romantic melodrama, Anna became the first native-born ethnic Asian performer to star in a major Hollywood movie. Most portrayals of Asian women were done by Caucasian actresses in “yellow-face,” such as the 1915 movie version of Madame Butterfly (1915) starring “America’s Sweetheart” Mary Pickford (who was born in Toronto, Canada) in the title role. In “The Toll of the Sea,” Anna May’s character perpetuates the stereotype of the Asian “lotus blossom,” a self-sacrificial woman who surrenders her life for the love of a Caucasian man. The film was a hit, and it showcased Wong in a preternaturally mature and restrained performance. This breakthrough should have launched Anna May Wong as a star, but for one thing: She was an ethnic Chinese in a country that excluded Chinese by law from immigrating to the US, that excluded Chinese from marrying Caucasians and that generally excluded Chinese from the culture at large, except for bit roles as heavies in the national consciousness.

“The Toll of the Sea” made Anna May Wong a known, and thus a marketable, commodity in Hollywood. She became the #1 actress when a young Asian female part had to be cast, but unfortunately lead roles for Asians were few and far between. Instead of becoming a star, this beautiful woman with a complexion described as “a rose blushing through old ivory” continued to be stuck in supporting roles, as in Tod Browning‘s melodrama Drifting (1923) and the western Thundering Dawn (1923). She even played an Eskimo in The Alaskan (1924) (her penultimate movie role, 35 years later, would also be as an Eskimo, in The Savage Innocents (1960)). She appeared as Tiger Lily, “Chieftainess of the Indians,” in Paramount’s prestigious production of J.M. Barrie‘s Peter Pan (1924), but the role was very small (the film was shot on Santa Catalina Island, where the cast stayed during the production.

The 170-cm-tall (5’7″, although other sources cite her height as 5’4½”) beauty was known as the world’s best-dressed woman and widely considered to have the loveliest hands in the cinema. Her big breakthrough after her auspicious start with “The Toll of the Sea” finally came when Douglas Fairbanks cast her in a supporting role as a treacherous Mongol slave in his Middle Eastern/Arabian Nights extravaganza The Thief of Bagdad(1924). The $2-million blockbuster production made her known to critics and the moviegoing public. For better or worse, a star, albeit of the stereotypical “Dragon Lady” type, was born.

Despite her waxing fame, she was limited to supporting roles, as Caucasian actresses, including most improbably Myrna Loy, continued to be cast as Asian women in lead roles in the 1920s through the 1940s, despite the ready availability of Anna May Wong. She was unable to attract lead parts despite her beauty and proven acting talent, even in films featuring Asian women, but she did carve out a career as a supporting player in everything from A-list movies to two-reel comedies and serials. The characters she played typically were duplicitous or murderous vamps who often reaped the wages of their sin by being raped. It was a demeaning apprenticeship that most Caucasian actresses did not have to go through.

Anna May Wong wanted was to play modern American women all through her career but was thwarted because of racism. Later, when she journeyed to Europe to escape the typecasting of Hollywood, she told journalist Doris Mackie, “I was so tired of the parts I had to play. Why is it that the screen Chinese is aways the villain? And so crude a villain–murderous, treacherous, a snake in the grass.”

The extent of anti-Chinese sentiment in the US was so deep that Hollywood usually typecast Wong, typically wearing form-fitting Chinese gowns, not specifically as an Asian but as an “exotic” foreigner. American hostility to Chinese in the country had existed almost from the beginning of their entry into the continental United States, with California targeting the Chinese in 1850 with a Foreign Miners’ License Act that put a $20 tax on each “foreign” miner (the Act was repealed a year later, as it had a deleterious effect on the mining industry by creating labor shortages). When the gold mines started sputtering out in California in the mid-1850s, opportunistic, racist politicians–as so often happened in general economic recession–managed to divert the blame towards the Chinese. They were blamed for taking away jobs from “Americans,” immigrants from Europe who were as “foreign” as the Chinese they derided but who had been enfranchised with the vote by political machines. Targeted by crowds of the working poor who were buffeted by the boom-and-bust business cycle of capitalist America, the Chinese were the victims of riots in California and other western states and territories. The 1871 Los Angeles riot had left 19 Chinese dead, lynched in their own neighborhood, while crowds of Caucasians looted Chinatown of tens of thousands of dollars worth of their belongings and business assets.

Most of the Chinese in America were located in San Francisco, and local and state authorities passed ordinances to harass them, many of which were subsequently declared unconstitutional by federal courts. However, the California Supreme Court extended a statute that prohibited “negroes and Indians” from testifying against Caucasians in court to the Chinese, for the “logical” reason that in Christopher Columbus’ time, Oriental countries were called “Indian.” However, in 1868 the US and China signed a treaty in Burlingame, California, that mandated that every Chinese citizen in the United States should enjoy the privileges enjoyed by American citizens in China, naturalization exempted. The Burlingame Treaty was met with a storm of protest in the western states and territories, with agitators denouncing it as a sellout of the American laborer. The US subsequently entered into a treaty with China in 1880 that allowed it to exclude Chinese laborers, a treaty backed up by Congress when it passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882.

In this period Mark Twain and Bret Harte created the genre known as “Chinatown fiction,” full of a sing-song patois they created to approximate the pidgin English spoken by the Chinese in America. “Chinatown fiction,” a genre joined by less-talented and more overtly racist writers, featured poor and poorly acculturated stereotypes who were insular and a “foreign” presence in America. As in the cable television serial Deadwood (2004), Chinese were portrayed as being kingpins of vice, including dope, the Chinatown “opium den” becoming a particularly popular trope in American culture. In one short story, Bret Harte called the character of Ah Sing, an expert card cheat, a “moral cancer” as well as cursing him with racial epithets. Chinatown fiction gave America a new stereotype of the “Chink” as immoral, untrustworthy, dangerous and downright vicious. This stereotype was further inflamed by the pulp fiction of “Fu Manchu” creator Sax Rohmer, who proceeded from the Darwinian idea that the Chinese were genetically disposed to wickedness, no matter how intellectually brilliant.

When the Boxer Rebellion–an insurrection by groups in China opposed to Western imperialism and exploitation of China’s people and resources–broke out in 1900 and was forcibly suppressed by the military forces of the foreign legations in Beijing, including US Marines, the idea of the Asian threat to Western civilization became common currency. This was despite the fact that the rebels, who called themselves “Righteous Harmonious Fists” (translated as “Boxer” by the Western press), merely sought to rid their country of the imperialists who had destroyed it. Within five years the Japanese had defeated the Russian Empire in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, and “The Yellow Peril” (a phrase popularized by novelist, socialist and white supremacist Jack London) became a “reality” in America, particularly on the West Coast, which shared an ocean and dreams of empire with Japan.

Historian Barbara Tuchman, in her Pulitzer Prize-winning “Stilwell and the American Experience in China,” wrote about how Americans generally had a sympathetic view of the Chinese in China owing to the propaganda sent to them by Christian missionaries. Seeing themselves as anti-imperialist, Americans viewed China as a victim of exploitation by Europe and Japan. China deserved American sympathy, for it was a benighted country ruled by cruel warlords who subjugated a meek but inherently virtuous people who were proto-Christians, if they could be released from the tyranny of the past and present. In the writings of Nobel Prize-winning novelist Pearl S. Buck, Chinese like the subsistence farmer Wang Lung of “The Good Earth” were potential peasant Horatio Algers, well-meaning and industrious if more than a trifle backward in their ways.

The American view of China and the Chinese that developed from the 1920s on through the success of Zedong Mao‘s Communist takeover of China in 1949 was complex and not devoid of the old fears of “The Yellow Peril.” Whereas China in the 17th and 18th centuries was depicted in European literature as a country ruled by philosopher kings and an upper class that enjoyed social and political equality (a view that helped trigger the European development of Enlightenment ideals), the British Empire, after forcing China to open up to the then-banned opium trade through two wars in the first half of the 19th century, began to emphasize the idea of the Chinese coolie. Rather than being an enlightened people, British propaganda depicted the coolie as subhuman, a beast of burden prone to debaucheries of gambling, vice and sexual perversion. It was this new stereotype that fueled the “Yellow Peril” myth and the idea of the Chinese criminal mastermind, such as Fu Manchu, the villainous antihero of many popular pulp novels (as late as 1980 Rohmer’s racist character was appearing in movies, played by the CaucasianPeter Sellers–in Oriental drag and make-up, no less–in The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu (1980). Other notable Caucasian actors who played the character wereChristopher Lee and Boris Karloff. Sellers mercifully was the last to play that most stereotyped of Oriental villains, and the Anglo-Irish actor H. Agar Lyons was the most prolific. Lyons, who played the Devil in The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1914), appeared 22 times as Fu Manchu and at least three other times in the movies as other Asian characters.)

After Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924, Chinese immigration was virtually halted and Americans were stripped of their citizenship for the transgression of marrying Chinese immigrants. The act was the culmination of a progress some historians call the “negroization” of the Chinese that began after the US Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision in 1857, which legitimated slavery. Nativists feared “amalgamation” (intermarriage) of Caucasians with African-Americans and Chinese, which would lead to a “mongrelization of the white race,” seen in Darwinian terms as an evolutionary catastrophe, as it would pervert the doctrine of the “survival of the fittest”–in other words, the survival of the hegemony of white America. Thus, a process where the civil rights of Chinese were systematically reduced came into play.

Hollywood, primarily founded by Eastern European Jews who shared a common desire of assimilation, portrayed this unassimilated race with demeaning stereotypes (one of the great hits of the silent era, D.W. Griffith‘s Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl (1919), dealt with the then-transgressive idea of “amalgamation” between a Chinese man–Richard Barthelmess in Oriental drag–and a sweet young white thing, played byLillian Gish. Everything turned out badly in the end, of course, when the sweet young thing’s papa, played by Scotsman Donald Crisp, went berserk. This was the America that Anna May Wong–ethnic Chinese and American citizen whose family had been in this country since at least 1855–made a career in, in a business that mined the subconscious of its patrons, a subconscious full of fear. When Wong did play an American-born Chinese character living in her home country, the movie played on the “Yellow Peril” theme and “Dragon Lady” stereotype that held that the Asian presence in the US should be feared, if not eliminated.

Wong embodied the Caucasian ideal of a foreign exotic beauty, an alien presence despite her American citizenship. The movie magazine “Pictures” published a memoir of jers in 1926 in which she complained, “A lot of people, when they first meet me, are surprised that I speak and write English without difficulty. But why shouldn’t I? I was born right here in Los Angeles and went to the public schools here. I speak English without any accent at all. But my parents complain that the same cannot be said of my Chinese. Although I have gone to Chinese schools, and always talk to my father and mother in our native tongue, it is said that I speak Chinese with an English accent!”. Many Chinese-Americans considered themselves “Chinese in America,” an attitude bolstered by the anti-Chinese, anti-Asian attitude of the US government and the American culture. In her memoir, Wong referred to herself as “Chinese” or “Americanized Chinese,” but not as an “American” or “Chinese American.”

Anna May Wong appeared as a dancer in a play within a movie shot in Technicolor for theRonald Colman vehicle His Supreme Moment (1925), but her Hollywood output generally was undistinguished. In 1926 she seems to have appeared in a “race” film made by Chinese-Americans for a Chinese-American audience, The Silk Bouquet (1926), a.k.a. “The Dragon Horse.” Moving between Poverty Row and the majors, she appeared again with Lon Chaney in Mr. Wu (1927) at MGM and with Warner Oland and Dolores Costello inOld San Francisco (1927) at Warner Brothers. Warners also cast her in support of Oriental drag queen Myrna Loy in The Crimson City (1928). Despite her WASP looks and red hair, Loy in Chinese drag had become a major “Oriental” star in American flicks desiring an exotic element. This indignity may have been what pushed Wong to seek her future other than in Hollywood.

She moved to Europe in 1928, where she made movies in the UK and Germany. She made her debut on the London stage with the young up-and-coming Laurence Olivier in the play “The Circle of Chalk.” After receiving a drubbing for her voice and singing from the London critics, she paid a Cambridge University tutor to improve her speech, with the result that she acquired an upper-crust English accent. Later she appeared in Vienna, Austria, in the play “Springtime.”

European directors appreciated Wong’s unique talents and beauty, and they used her in ways that the stereotype-minded Americans, hemmed in by American prejudice, would not or could not. Moving on to Germany to appear in German films, she became acquainted with German film personalities, including Marlene Dietrich and actress-filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. She learned German and French and began to develop a continental European attitude and outlook. In Europe, she was welcomed as a star. According to her biographer Graham Russell Gao Hodges, Wong hobnobbed with “an intellectual elite that included princes, playwrights, artists and photographers who clamored to work with her.” Anna May Wong was featured in magazines all over the world, much more than actresses of a similar level of accomplishment. She became a media superstar, and her coiffure and complexion were copied while coolie coats became a rage. According to Hodges, “[S]he was the one American star who spoke to the French people, more than Greta GarboJoan Crawford or Mary Pickford, the top American actresses of the time.” But ironically, “[S]he’s the one who’s now forgotten.” Wong was cast in Ewald André Dupont‘s silent film Piccadilly (1929) as a maid who is fired from her job at a London nightclub after dancing on top of a table, then rehired as a dancer to infuse the club with exotic glamor. Her first talkie was Road to Dishonour (1930), a.k.a. “The Road to Dishonour” (although some sources claim it was “Song” a.k.a. “Wasted Love” in that same year), which was released by British International Pictures. In a time before dubbing, when different versions of a single film were filmed in different languages, Wong played in the English, French and German versions of the movie.

Paramount Pictures offered Wong a contract with the promise of lead roles in major productions. Returning to the US in 1930, Wong appeared on Broadway in the play “On the Spot.” The play was a hit, running for 167 performances, and then she moved on to Hollywood and Paramount, where she starred in an adaptation of Sax Rohmer’s novel “Daughter of Fu Manchu” called Daughter of the Dragon (1931). She was back in stereotype-land, this time as the ultimate “Dragon Lady,” who with her father Fu Manchu (played by ethnic Swede Warner Oland, the future Charlie Chan) embodied the evil “Yellow Peril.” While “Daughter of the Dragon” may have been B-movie pulp, it enabled Wong to show off her talent by delivering a powerful performance in the movie.

She did not limit herself to racist potboilers in Hollywood but continued to work on Broadway and in Europe during 1930s. Her best film in Hollywood in the early 1930s was in support of Marlene Dietrich in Josef von Sternberg‘s Oscar-winning classic Shanghai Express (1932). However, Hollywood in the 1930s was as racist as it had been in the Roaring Twenties, and MGM refused to cast her in its 1932 production of The Son-Daughter (1932), for which she did a screen-test, as she was “too Chinese to play a Chinese.” Helen Hayes played the role in yellow-face. Similarly, she was kept out of both a lead and supporting role in MGM’s later prestige production of The Good Earth (1937), its filming of Pearl Buck’s popular novel, after flunking another screen test for failing to live up to a white man’s idea of what “looked” Chinese. MGM screen-tested her for the lead role of O-Lan, the sympathetic wife of Chinese farmer Wang Lung (to be played by Paul Muni, personally cast in the part by Irving Thalberg). She also was considered for the supporting role of Lotus, Wang Lung’s concubine. Anna May Wong, an ethnic Chinese, lost out on both roles to two Austrian women, Luise Rainer and Tilly Losch, as Albert Lewin, the Thalberg assistant who was casting the film, vetoed Wong and other ethnic Chinese because their looks didn’t fit his conception of what Chinese people should look like. Ironically, the year “The Good Earth” came out, Wong appeared on the cover of Look Magazine’s second issue, which labeled her “The World’s Most Beautiful Chinese Girl.” Stereotyped in America as a dragon lady, the cover photo had her holding a dagger. Luise Rainer would win the Best Actress Oscar for her performance of O-Lan in Chinese drag.

There were practical considerations for MGM’s refusal to cast Wong opposite Muni. It was illegal in many states, including Calfiornia, for Asians to intermarry with Caucasians and featuring an interracial couple, even if they were playing the same race, likely would mean the movie would be rejected by many theater chains in regions in which anti-Asian prejudice was particularly severe. The new Motion Picture Production Code of 1934, pandering to segregationists, forbade filmmakers from portraying miscegenation in a positive light. Casting a Chinese-American opposite a Caucasian might be construed as promoting miscegenation. Anna May returned to England, reportedly distraught at the injustice perpetrated by MGM and her home country. In England she alternated between films and the stage, but she was obliged to return to the US to fulfill her Paramount contract. She appeared in two Robert Florey-directed pictures, Daughter of Shanghai(1937) as a non-stereotypical Asian American female lead, and Dangerous to Know(1938). She also appeared in major roles in King of Chinatown (1939) and Island of Lost Men (1939).

The outbreak of World War II in Europe and the dawning of an actual “Yellow Peril” from Japan once and for all destroyed any chance for Anna May to break free from the shackles of racial prejudice and take her rightful place as a major star of American movies. Though America was again sympathetic to China, which had been invaded by Japan in 1931 and was still locked in mortal combat with the Japanese Empire, Americans were conditioned to think of Asians as inherently inferior if not downright wicked. That Nationalist China under Kai-Shek Chiang was allied with the US after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor did little to improve the lot of Chinese-Americans, particularly in light of the anti-Japanese hysteria that saw native Japanese-Americans uprooted from their homes and interred in concentration camps. In the minds of many Americans, Asians were “inscrutable” and potential Fifth Columnists, even if the Chinese were fighting a common enemy. The fallout from the hostility felt towards the Japanese, abetted by rampant and blatantly racist anti-Japanese propaganda, likely had am adverse impact on Wong’s career.

Anna May Wong did not appear in films from 1939-41, when she was cast as a supporting player in Ellery Queen’s Penthouse Mystery (1941), an entry in the B-movie series. Her last two starring roles in the movies were in a pair of anti-Japanese propaganda films,Bombs Over Burma (1942) and Lady from Chungking (1942), both of which were made by Producers Releasing Corp., the lowest of the Poverty Row studios. The major studios, when shooting propaganda films requiring a sympathetic Asian lead, reverted to the old practice of casting Caucasians in yellow-face, no matter how absurd the result.

As her movie career went into eclipse in the 1940s (she would not appear in another motion picture until 1949), she found work on the stage and in radio and then in the new medium of television. Wong wrote a preface to the book “New Chinese Recipes” in 1942, which was one of the first Chinese cookbooks printed in the US. The proceeds from the cookbook were dedicated to United China Relief.

Though Wong was vocal in her opposition to stereotypes and typecasting, and was one of Hollywood’s more memorable victims of racism in being denied leading roles in A-list pictures because the racist mores of the times prevented an Asian woman from kissing a Caucasian actor, she was considered socially suspect by her own people. The roles she was forced to accept in order to have an acting career, as well as her status as a single woman, disgusted many Chinese in America and in her ancestral homeland, where actresses were equated with prostitutes and where women were still played by men in classical opera. On a trip to China in 1936, Anna May was welcomed by the country’s cultural elite in cosmopolitan Beijing and Shanghai, but she had to abandon a trip to her parents’ ancestral village when her progress was blocked by a crowd of protesters. Someone in the crowed denounced her with “Down with Huang Liu Tsong, the stooge that disgraces China. Don’t let her go ashore.” Upon her return from China, Wong was determined to play Chinese characters more authentically, but her only options were to reject roles she deemed racist or to try to soften them from within the belly of the beast. Ultimately for this proud woman, it was a losing battle.

Chinese nationalism had been on the upswing since Yat-sen Sun ended the Empire in 1911 and was rife in reaction to the war of aggression launched against China by the Empire of Japan. Chinese nationalists, concerned about the portrayal of Chinese people as evil incarnate in American popular culture, were offended by Wong’s portrayals of Asians and exotics. Though she would spend the World War II years working for Chinese charities and relief agencies, she was snubbed by ‘Madame Chiang Kai-Shek’, the daughter of Yat-sen Sun and wife of the generalissimo who led the Nationalist Chinese, during Madame Chiang’s 1942-43 propaganda tour of the US. Her biographer Hodges claims this was the beginning of a consensus among Chinese and Chinese-Americans that Wong was an embarrassment. Chinese and Chinese-Americans chose to blame her rather than Hollywood for the demeaning stereotypes she had to play in order to work. The result of this new consensus, according to Hodges, was that “her memory has been washed away.”

Anna May’s career in motion pictures was virtually finished after the war. She got her own TV series, The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong (1951), on the Dumont Network, playing a Chinese detective in a role written expressly for her, a character who was even given her real Chinese name. The half-hour program, which ran weekly from August 27 to November 21, 1951, was the first TV show to star an Asian-American.

Wong’s personal relationships typically were with older Caucasian men, but California law forbade marriage between Asians and Caucasians until 1948. One of her white lovers offered to marry her in Mexico, but the couple’s intentions became known and he backed off when his Hollywood career was jeopardized. Wong mused about marrying a Chinese man at times, but the Chinese culture held actresses to be on a par with prostitutes, which made her suspect marriage material. She was afraid that the mores of her culture likely meant that marrying a Chinese would force her to quit her career and be an obedient wife.

Anna May Wong appeared in over 50 American, English and German films in her career, making her the first global Chinese-American movie star. She was forced to fight against racism and stereotyping all her professional life, while simultaneously being criticized by Chinese at home and abroad for perpetuating stereotypes in the media. Despite this tremendous burden, the beautiful woman assayed an elegance and sophistication on-screen that made her the paradigm of Asian women for a generation of movie audiences.

Anna May Wong loved reading, and her favorite subjects spanned a wide range, everything from Asian history and Tzu Lao to William Shakespeare. She never married but occupied her time with golf, horses, and skiing. Wong smoked, drank too much, and suffered from depression. She was poised to make a comeback as a character actress on the big screen toward the end of her life, having appeared as Lana Turner‘s maid in Ross Hunter‘s sudsy potboiler Portrait in Black (1960). She was cast in the role of Madame Liang in Flower Drum Song (1961), the movie version of Richard Rodgers‘s and Oscar Hammerstein II‘s Broadway musical “Flower Drum Song,” but before shooting could begin she passed away.

Anna May Wong died of a massive heart attack on February 3, 1961, in Santa Monica, California, after a long struggle against Laennec’s cirrhosis, a disease of the liver. She was 56 years old. Her fame lives on, four decades after her death. She is a part of American popular consciousness, chosen as one of the first movie stars to be featured on a postage stamp. And the interest in her continues–the premiere of a play about Anna entitled “China Doll–The Imagined Life of an American Actress,” written by Elizabeth Wong, had its premiere at Maine’s Bowdoin College in 1997. A lecture and film series, “Rediscovering Anna May Wong,” was held at the UCLA Film and Television Archive in 2004, sponsored by “Playboy” publisher Hugh M. Hefner. That same year New York City’s Museum of Modern Art held its own tribute to Wong, “Retrospective of a Chinese American Screen Actress.” Finally, she was getting the respect in her own country that eluded her during her career.

A biography by Colgate University history professor Graham Russell Gao Hodges, “Anna May Wong: From Laundryman’s Daughter to Hollywood Legend,” was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2004. Hodges considers Anna May’s life and career to be amazing, particularly in light of the fact that her star has yet to be eclipsed by any other Asian-American female star, despite the change in attitudes. Finally, in 2004, the British Film Institute restored E.A. Dupont’s 1929 silent film “Piccadilly”.

After being derided for perpetuating stereotypes during her lifetime, Anna May Wong is now being appreciated by the Asian-American community and the American culture at large for her pioneering attempt to bring dignity to screen portrayals of an ethnic group that faced terrible discrimination. Bucking the system, even going into exile, she tried to broaden the portrayal of ethnic Asians from the stereotype ghetto of the Asian as “foreign” or “exotic” or “inscrutable” or “treacherous” into real human beings with real emotions the same as the audience. Thus, her acting can be seen as a pioneering effort to broaden the diversity of American culture as portrayed on the screen. It is unlikely that this cinema star will ever be forgotten.

Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong

– IMDb Mini Biography By: Jon C. Hopwood (qv’s & corrections by A. Nonymous)

Anna May Wong was born Wong Liu Tsong on January 3, 1905, in Los Angeles, California. Her parents ran a laundry in the city’s Chinatown section. Anna became a photographer’s model when she was still attending Hollywood High School. She was fascinated with the movie industry at a young age, having observed several films being shot in and around her neighborhood. At almost 14 years old, her actor cousin, James Wong Howe, showed a photograph of her to a director, which resulted in her getting a bit part in Dinty (1920) (unfortunately for film buffs, there are no prints of the movie in existence, because of deterioration). The next year she appeared in two more films, Shame (1921) and Bits of Life (1921) (in which she received billing). Anna’s big break came when she landed the role of a Mongolian slave girl in The Thief of Bagdad (1924). This film put her in the position of being the first (and for a long time the only) U.S. Chinese performer to become a bona fide movie star. It led to bigger parts in other movies with a Chinese or other East Asian theme, in which she alternated between playing the heroine or the heroine’s evil nemesis. Another hit for her was A Trip to Chinatown (1926), in which her trademark bangs and East Asian dress only accentuated her beauty, enhancing her status with the movie-going public. Before long her name was synonymous with ‘exotic’, East Asian-themed productions, and films such as The Devil Dancer (1927), Across to Singapore (1928) and The Crimson City (1928) kept fans coming to the theatres. Anna’s talent and beauty carried her through a successful transition into talkies, and she also traveled to Europe to act in films there. Upon her return to the U.S. after three years, she was signed to a contract with Paramount. Her career reached its zenith with her casting in Shanghai Express (1932) with Marlene Dietrich. Another in her string of successes was Dangerous to Know (1938) with Charles LaughtonLloyd Nolan andAnthony Quinn, in which she played Lin Yang, a “kept” woman who seeks revenge when her gangster lover tries to replace her.

By the 1940s, however, Anna’s career had begun to stall. Theatre patrons were finding escapist fare elsewhere, and her Chinese melodramas were no longer in demand. Also, attitudes towards race in the U.S. made it almost impossible for Anna to get good parts in pictures other than East Asian-themed ones. After Lady from Chungking (1942), Anna didn’t appear on-screen again until Impact(1949), and then only in a minor supporting role. She had an early television series, The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong (1951), but it didn’t last long. Anna appeared sporadically on television throughout the 1950s. Her career problems were exacerbated by a drinking problem, and by the mid-1950s she learned that she was suffering from heart problems and cirrhosis of the liver. She made a final effort to recharge her career with Portrait in Black (1960) and The Savage Innocents (1960). Although the first was a modest hit, the second film was released to mixed reviews and meager box office receipts. On February 2, 1961, Anna died of a heart attack in Santa Monica, California. She had never married.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: Denny Jackson

The above IMDV entry can also be accessed online here.

Ruth Donnelly
Ruth Donnelly
Ruth Donnelly
Ruth Donnelly

Ruth Donnelly was a grand character actress in American films during it’s Golden Age. She was born in 1896 in Trenton, New Jersey of Irish stock. She began her stage career in 1913 in “The Quaker Girl”. Her film career took off in the 1930’s and her films included “Wonder Bar” in 1934 with Dolores Del Rio, “Mr Deeds Goes to Town”, “My Little Chickadee” with W.C. Fields and Mae West and “Autumn Leaves” in 1956 with Joan Crawford and Cliff Robertson. She died in 1982.

IMDB entry:

Feisty, ebullient character comedienne who, for three decades, enlivened Hollywood films with her drollery and quick-fire repartee. The daughter of a newspaper editor and music critic, Ruth made her stage debut in the chorus of the touring production ‘The Quaker Girl’ in 1913. Four years later, she had made it to Broadway, playing a telephone operator in ‘The Scrap of Paper’ at the Criterion Theatre. She then appeared for ten months in the musical farce ‘Going Up’ (1917-18), which starred Frank Craven and a young Ed Begley. Some of her biggest comic successes were in plays by George M. Cohan, notably ‘A Prince There Was’ (1918-19) and ‘The Meanest Man in the World’ (1920-21).

Ruth appeared on screen, first in a small part in Rubber Heels (1927). Not until the Wall Street crash of 1929 was she tempted to pursue a career in Hollywood, rather than on Broadway. For most of her time in the movies, she played acidulous secretaries, wisecracking friends of the heroine, or shrewish wives. She gave excellent support as Mary Brian’s domineering mother in Hard to Handle (1933) and was excellent as Edward G. Robinson‘s wife in the Runyonesque comedy A Slight Case of Murder (1938). There were many other good roles as comedy relief from Hands Across the Table (1935), withCarole Lombard to Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936),with Gary Cooper); and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939),with James Stewart.. She was versatile enough to handle dramatic roles, playing a worldly nun in The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945) and one of the asylum inmates of The Snake Pit (1948).

Except for a handful of TV guest appearances, Ruth essentially retired after her last film,The Way to the Gold (1957), and lived for the remainder of her life at the Wellington Hotel in Manhattan. She was for many years married to Basil de Guichard, an airline executive.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: I.S.Mowis

The above IMDB entry can also beaccessed online here.

Joel Grey
Joel Grey
Joel Grey
Joel Grey
Joel Grey

Joel Grey was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1932. He made his movie debut in 1952 in “About Face”. In 1961 he was featured in “Come September” with Rock Hudson and Gina Lollobrigida. In 1966 he starred on Broadway in the musical “Cabaret” and in 1972 repeated his role as the Master of Ceremonies in the film version with Liza Minnelli and Michael York. He won an Oscar for his performance. Other films included “The Empty Mirror” and “My Friend Joe”. His daughter is the actress Jennifer Grey.

TCM Profile:

he brilliant Joel Grey, an Oscar® and Tony®–winning actor and song-and-dance man par excellence, is this month’s TCM Guest Programmer. Cleveland-born Grey, the son of entertainer Mickey Katz, began acting as a child and says one of his inspirations was watching the young actor Roddy McDowall on the screen. Grey’s long and distinguished career on Broadway includes the 1966 stage production of Cabaret, which brought him a Tony Award®, and the 2011 revival of Anything Goes. His Oscar® also came for Cabaret (1972), when he repeated his role as the sinister master of ceremonies in Bob Fosse’s film version. Grey has dozens of other film and television credits including a Golden Globe®–nominated performance in Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985) and a recent stint on Showtime’s Nurse Jackie. He is also an accomplished photographer and has published three books spotlighting his work.

Grey’s first programming pick is The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), which he first saw as a youngster and credits with teaching him about the damaging effects of war. “I remember I couldn’t breathe after watching it,” he tells TCM host Robert Osborne. Grey has a personal attachement to James Cagney’s Yankee Doodle Dandy(1942) since Cagney is his “all-time favorite actor,” and Grey himself played Cagney’s role of George M. Cohan in the Broadway musical George M! (1969). And he chooses On the Waterfront (1954) because he finds inspiration in the performance of Marlon Brando as “probably the very first really naturalistic actor.”

Jon-Erik Hexum
Jon-Erik Hexum
Jon-Erik Hexum

Jon-Erik Hexum was born in 1957 in Englewood, New Jersey. He made his acting debut in television in 1982 in the series “Voyagers”. He was cast opposite Joan Collins in the “The Making of a Male Model” and with Gary Busey in “The Bear”. Tragically he was killed in 1984 in a freak gun accident while making an episode of the television series “Cover-Up.

IMDB entry:

In the early 1980s, this ruggedly handsome young man of Norwegian parentage was seen as the “next big thing”, and then suddenly he was dead from an accident via a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Hexum was born and raised in Tenafly, New Jersey, where he was a musically gifted student at school playing both the horn & the violin in the school orchestra, and even the piano at home. He then attended Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, before transferring across to Michigan State University studying bio-medical engineering and then switching over to philosophy. Whilst at MSU, Hexum played football, and DJ’d at several local radio stations under the name of “Yukon Jack”, before being discovered by John Travolta‘s manager, Bob LeMond.

Hexum allegedly turned down plenty of opportunities to appear in shows such as The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) & CHiPs (1977) and many day time soap operas before finally making his debut in the TV series Voyagers! (1982) as time traveler Phineas Bogg. He was then cast as hunk Tyler Burnett alongside Joan Collins in Making of a Male Model(1983), and then as ex-Green Beret Mac Harper in the TV series Cover Up: Pilot (1984).

However, on October 12th, 1984 after a long and draining day’s shooting on the set ofCover Up: Pilot (1984), Hexum became bored with the extensive delays and jokingly put a prop .44 magnum revolver to his temple and pulled the trigger. The gun fired, and the wadding from the blank cartridge shattered his skull, whereupon the mortally injured Hexum was rushed via ambulance to hospital to undergo extensive surgery. Despite five hours of work, the chief surgeon, Dr. David Ditsworth, described the damage to Hexum’s brain as life-ending. One week later, on October 18th, he was taken off life support and pronounced dead. However, Hexum’s commitment to organ donation meant five other lives were assisted or saved with organs harvested from him. The youthful & charming Hexum was dead at only 26 years of age.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: firehouse44

The above IMDB entry can also be accessed online here.

Tommy Tune
Tommy Tune

Tommy Tune

Tommy Tune was born in 1939 in Texas. In 1965 he made his debut on Broadway in the musical “Baker Street”. He sonn became a noted Broadway performer and director and has won nine Tony Awards. His few films include “Hello Dolly” in 1969 and “The Boyfriend” which was made in England in 1971 co-starring with Twiggy. He and Twiggy went on to have huge success on Broaday in the musical “My One and Only” in 1983.

TCM Overview:

An amiable, lanky 6′ 7″ former chorus dancer, Tommy Tune has inherited the mantle of his mentor, the late Michael Bennett, as one of the few director-choreographers working in contemporary American theater. He is unique, however, in that he is also a musical theater star. In fact, Tune, who has won nine Tony Awards, is the only individual to have won the medallion in four different categories.

Born and raised in Texas, Tune headed to NYC in the early 1960s and on his first day in Manhattan landed his first job in the chorus of a touring company of “Irma La Douce”. He first worked with Michael Bennett as a chorus dancer in the Broadway show “A Joyful Noise” (1966) and had his breakthrough under Bennett’s guidance, playing the first openly gay character in a musical, the choreographer David in “Seesaw” (1973-74). Tune won his first Tony as Featured Actor in a Musical for the role, which had him tap dancing to a New York State statute (“Chapter 54, Number 1909”) and provided him with the showstopping, balloon-filled eleven-o’clock number “It’s Not Where You Start”.

Tommy Tune
Tommy Tune

Despite this acclaim, Tune was not able to find a suitable follow-up role, Instead, he turned to directing with the gender-bending Off-Broadway “The Club” (1976), which featured an all-female cast in male drag. He handled similar terrain with Caryl Churchill’s “Cloud 9” (1981), which had its cast playing characters of both genders. Tune segued to choreographing and staging musicals in tandem with Thommie Walsh and Peter Masterson respectively with “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” (1978). He has gone on to earn numerous accolades and awards for his polished, stylish musical stagings of such Broadway musicals as “”A Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine” (1980); “Nine” (1982), the highly-stylized musical version of Fellini’s “8 1/2”; “My One and Only” (1983); the Broadway version of the film classic “Grand Hotel” (1990); and “The Will Rogers Follies” (1991).

In 1983, Tune scored a personal triumph as star, director and co-choreographer of “My One and Only”, a reworking of the Gershwin musical “Funny Face”. Re-teaming with British model-turned-actress Twiggy (with whom he had co-starred in Ken Russell’s “The Boy Friend” in 1971). he proved a delight, invoking the ghost of Fred Astaire who had originated the role. After a long hiatus. Tune resumed performing opposite Ann Reinking in a touring company of “Bye Bye Birdie” in 1991. He has continued to perform his nightclub act “Tommy Tune Tonight!” (backed by the Manhattan Rhythm Kings) around the USA. His anticipated return to Broadway in 1995’s “Busker Alley”, a musicalization of the 1938 Charles Laughton starrer “St Martin’s Lane”, was curtailed when he broke his foot while performing in Tampa, FL. During his recovery from his injury, Tune recorded his first solo album, “Slow Dancing”, and penned his memoirs. “Footnotes” (both 1997). In 1998, it was announced that he was working on a musical stage adaptation of the Irving Berlin movie musical “Easter Parade” which would team him with Sandy Duncan. A 1999 Broadway opening was anticipated.

The above TCM overview can also be accessed online here.

Ron Randell

Ron Randell was born in 1918 in Sydney in Australia. He made his m,ovie debut in 1942 in “10,000 Cobbers”. By 1948 he was in Hollywood where he made such films as “Sign of the Ram” with Susan Peters, “The Loves of Carmen” with Rita Hayworth and “Kiss Me Kate” with Howard Keel and Kathryn Grayson. He was married until his death in 2005 to the German actress Laya Raki.

Gary Brumburgh’s entry:

Sydney-born Ron Randell began his six-decade-long career in his teens on radio in his native Australia for the Australian Broadcasting Commission. He promptly moved to the stage, where he acted with the Minerva Theatre Group from 1937 to 1946, while intermittently appearing in Australian films. Well-received reviews for his title role in the movie, Pacific Adventure (1946) [Pacific Adventure], led to a Hollywood contract, making his debut in It Had to Be You (1947) in support of Ginger Rogers and Cornel Wilde. Randell went on to play both hero and villain in both a lead and supporting capacity. His host of “B” pictures included short runs as supersleuth “Bulldog Drummond” and “the Lone Wolf”. Although he was never a top name per se, he led a durable transatlantic film career for much of the 50s and 60s, which included a minor role as composer Cole Porterin Kiss Me Kate (1953) and the lead in the gangster flick, Most Dangerous Man Alive(1961). From the “Golden Age” of 50s TV, he went on star in the American/British espionage series, O.S.S. (1957), for a season, and guest-starred on such programs asBewitched (1964), The Farmer’s Daughter (1963), Mission: Impossible (1966), Bonanza(1959) and The F.B.I. (1965), playing a number of cultivated gents. On Broadway, he enjoyed healthy critical successes, such as “The Browning Version” (1949), a revival of “Candida” (1952), “The World of Suzie Wong” (1958), “Butley” (1972), “Sherlock Holmes” (1975), “Mrs. Warren’s Profession” (1976) and “Bent” (1979). He continued his stage career, in fact, well into the 1990s, including a stint with the late Tony Randall‘s National Actors Theater company which included a run of “The School for Scandal” (1995). Randell died following complications of a stroke in a Los Angeles assisted facility at age 86 in 2005.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: Gary Brumburgh / gr-home@pacbell.net


Ron Randall obituary in “Playbill” in 2005.

Ron Randell, an Australian-born actor who ended up working in Hollywood and on Broadway, died June 11, 2005, in Los Angeles of complications of a stroke, according to wire reports. Mr. Randell was reported to be 86. His career started in radio when he was a teenager. Roles in Australian plays and pictures — and a career in films and TV series, both American and British — followed.

According to an early bio in “Who’s Who in the American Theatre,” Mr. Randell made his first stage appearance in a production of Journey’s End in Sydney in 1938. He played a number of roles at the Minerva Theatre in Sydney.

In 1946 the Sydney native played the title character in the film “Smithy,” about Australian aviator Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith.

In the movie version of Kiss Me, Kate, he played Cole Porter. His movie credits include “Follow the Boys,” “The Longest Day,” “King of Kings” and “The She-Creature.”

Mr. Randell also starred in the films “Bulldog Drummond at Bay” and “Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back.”

Between 1949 and 1995, Mr. Randell appeared in various Broadway productions, the most recent being National Actors Theatre’s School for Scandal in 1995. Back in 1949, he appeared in a double bill of The Browning Version and Harlequinade.

His other Broadway credits include Duet for One (1981), Bent (1979), Mo Man’s Land (1976), Mrs. Warren’s Profession (1976), the Royal Shakespeare Company revival of Sherlock Holmes (1974), Butley (1972), The World of Suzie Wong (1958) and Candida (1952).

In London, he appeared in Mary, Mary (1963), Sabrina Fair (1954) and Sweet Peril (1952).

Pamela Franklin
Pamela Franklin
Pamela Franklin
Pamela Franklin

Pamela Franklin. IMDB.

Pamela Franklin was a very talented child actress who had a very successful transition to adult roles before retiring from the screen to raise her family. She was born to a British family in Japan in 1950.

iMDB entry:

She made her film debut in England in 1961 in Jack Clayton’s masterful “The Innocents” with Deborah Kerr. The following year she played the daughter of William Holden and Capucine in “The Lion”. In 1964 she went to Hollywood to make “A Tiger Walks” with Sabu for Walt Disney. She gave an insightful performance as Sandy in “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” where she held her own acting opposite Maggie Smith at her best. In the early 1970’s she concentrated her career in Hollywood films and made her last (to date) television appearance in the series “Vegas” in 1981.

Lovely, petite, and beguiling brunette British actress Pamela Franklin was born in Yokohama, Japan. Because her father was an importer/exporter, Pamela grew up all over the world in such places as Hong Kong and Australia. Franklin studied dance at the Elmhurst School of Ballet in England and originally planned on becoming a dancer.

Franklin made her film debut at age 11 as “Flora” in the marvelously eerie The Innocents(1961). Pamela was quite appealing as “Tina” in The Lion (1962) and held her own alongside Bette Davis in the fine Hammer chiller The Nanny (1965). An adorable child, Pamela grew up to become a strikingly sensual and beautiful woman who was cast in more bold adult parts as she got older.

Pamela gave a terrific performance as the rebellious “Sandy” in the outstanding drama The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) and was memorable as a hapless kidnap victim in The Night of the Following Day (1968). Franklin carved out a nice little niche as a personable and captivating scream queen in a handful of hugely enjoyable 70s horror features: the imperiled “Jane” in the harrowingAnd Soon the Darkness (1970), the equally endangered “Lori Brandon” in Necromancy(1972);

at her best as vulnerable psychic medium “Florence Tanner” in the superior haunted house winner The Legend of Hell House (1973), the plucky “Elizabeth Sayers” in the fun made-for-TV movie Satan’s School for Girls (1973), and feisty scientist “Lorna Scott” in the outrageously tacky The Food of the Gods (1976). Among the many TV shows Pamela did guest spots on are Fantasy Island (1977), Vega$ (1978), Trapper John, M.D.(1979), Barnaby Jones (1973), Police Woman (1974), Hawaii Five-O (1968), Thriller(1973), Medical Center (1969), Mannix (1967), Cannon (1971), The Six Million Dollar Man(1974), The Streets of San Francisco (1972), Bonanza (1959), Green Acres (1965) andWalt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color (1954). Franklin voluntarily quit acting in the early 80s. She married actor Harvey Jason in 1970-they met on the set of Necromancy(1972)-and has two children. Pamela Franklin still lives in Hollywood, California.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: woodyanders

The above IMDB entry can also be accessed online here.

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas is the son of actors Diana Douglas and Kirk Douglas. He was born in New Jersey in 1944. He has starred in some of the most popular films of the past thirty five  years including “The China Syndrome” in 1979 with Jane Fonda. “Romancing the Stone” with Kathleen Turner in 1984, “Fatal Attraction” with Glenn Close” in 1987 and “Basic Instinct” in 1992.

TCM Overview:

Actor and producer Michael Douglas enjoyed great success by avoiding the heroic leading-man archetype by creating smart, flawed, sympathetically human characters. His popularity grew through several star-making hits, including “Romancing the Stone” (1984), “Fatal Attraction” (1987) and “Basic Instinct” (1992) and held strong as he portrayed midlife professionals at a crossroads in “Wall Street” (1987) and “Wonder Boys” (2000). Douglas rarely dominated a movie like his famous father Kirk Douglas had during his 1950s heyday, and, though his $20-million price tag might have suggested otherwise, the younger Douglas remained more of a complementary player who allowed a collection of strong actors to drive a film. In addition to his movie-star status, Douglas was well known as a film producer, garnering a Best Picture Oscar for his first outing, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975), and maintaining his reputation with films including “The China Syndrome” (1979) and “The Rainmaker” (1997). The respected and well-liked actor raised eyebrows, however, when he married the much-younger screen beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones, with whom he later co-starred in the drug war drama “Traffic” (2000). Douglas’ professional output decreased at the start of the new millennium, marked by lesser efforts such as the remake of “The In-Laws” (2003), but it was a succession of tragic events – the fatal overdose of half-brother Eric; the conviction of son Cameron for drug dealing; and Douglas himself being diagnosed with throat cancer – that cast a pall on the venerable star’s personal life. Exhibiting the strength of character he had become known for, Douglas resurrected his most famous character, Gordon Gekko, in “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” (2010), garnering critical praise and reminding the world that Douglas was still a force to be reckoned with.

Michael Douglas was born on Sept. 25, 1944, to budding actors Kirk Douglas and Diana Dill. The couple was divorced when Douglas was five years old and he was raised by his mother and stepfather, William Darrid, in New York and his mother’s homeland of Bermuda. Douglas and his father had a tumultuous relationship and saw little of each other while the son and his brothers were growing up. After graduating from the tony private school, Choate, in Connecticut, Douglas went on to the University of California in Santa Barbara, where the beach environment and political stirrings transformed the “uptight” teen into a self-proclaimed “hippie.” On the brink of flunking out, Douglas was forced to declare a major and reluctantly chose theater. Anticipating that stage fright might hinder his career, Douglas reconnected with his father and learned some behind-the-scenes skills as an assistant director on Kirk’s “The Heroes of Telmark” (1965) and “Cast a Giant Shadow” (1966). Reportedly, the elder Douglas was not encouraged by his offspring’s acting potential after seeing him in a college production of “As You Like It,” however Douglas did get his theater degree in 1968 and moved to New York where he continued training at the Neighborhood Playhouse with Sanford Meisner.

After getting his feet wet in off-Broadway and regional theater productions, a deal to appear in “CBS Playhouse” (CBS, 1967-1970) brought Douglas to Los Angeles. In early TV roles, he often portrayed idealistic youths confronting the issues of the day in offerings like “Hail, Hero” (1969), “Adam at 6 A.M.” (1970) and “Summertree” (1971). He significantly upped his profile as the college-educated, idealistic partner of veteran detective (Karl Malden) on the TV cop drama “The Streets of San Francisco” (ABC, 1972-1980). The show not only polished Douglas’ acting chops enough to earn him three consecutive Emmys, it exposed him to every aspect of production. Douglas fell in love with the process and eventually began to direct episodes starring his idol, Malden. Douglas left the show in 1976 to pursue the opportunity to produce his first feature, Milos Forman’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975), adapted from the novel by Ken Kesey. His father, who had played the lead role of Randel McMurphy on Broadway, owned the film rights and tried unsuccessfully for a decade to put together a screen version of the feisty misfit who inspires his fellow mental patients to assert themselves. Douglas breathed new life into the project and the result was runaway box office returns and a sweep of the top five Oscars. Douglas shared Best Picture honors with Saul Zaentz and Kirk made a hefty profit, though it must have been difficult for the fading screen hero to see his newcomer son take home an Oscar while he had never earned one himself.

Joining forces with Jane Fonda’s IPC Films, Douglas next co-produced and starred alongside Fonda and Jack Lemmon in “The China Syndrome” (1979), a powerful political drama which benefited from the fortuitously timed near meltdown at New York state’s Three Mile Island nuclear power facility. The following year, Douglas suffered a skiing accident which led to knee surgery and an absence from the screen for three years. He was still regarded as more of a producer than an actor when he returned to the game in “Romancing the Stone” (1984), but his superb portrayal of the amiable, smug adventurer Jack Colton – a sort of black sheep Indiana Jones – began to change that perception. The film profitably teamed him with Kathleen Turner and Danny De Vito for a rollicking, fast-paced comedy adventure. After the trio made the inevitable, successful but critically maligned sequel, “Jewel of the Nile” (1985), Douglas found himself in ninth place on the annual exhibitors’ poll of the Top 10 box office stars, despite never having a track record as a leading man. In 1987, Douglas was handed the first dramatic lead that showed his real acting potential. Even though “Wall Street” was more about Charlie Sheen’s newbie character, Bud Fox, Douglas won the Best Actor Oscar and Golden Globe for his infinitely more intriguing Gordon Gekko – a wonderfully smarmy and arrogant corporate raider and the high-rolling epitome of 80s excess and greed. In fact, it was Gekko’s “greed is good” speech that entered the pop cultural lexicon. That same year, he took what could have been the unlikable role of a husband who endangers his family by trying to get away with adultery, and earned audience forgiveness with his human frailty in the megahit cautionary tale, “Fatal Attraction.” Perhaps even more with the latter film, Douglas effectively resonated with audiences as a morally lazy and thrill-seeking Everyman caught in the spider’s web of his own making.

Douglas reunited with De Vito and Turner in the marital black comedy “The War of the Roses” (1989), with the actor scoring again with a delicious, Golden Globe-nominated performance in the satiric commentary on “yuppie” materialism. Back in the producer’s chair, he formed Stonebridge Entertainment, Inc. in 1988 and went on to produce Joel Schumacher’s “Flatliners” (1990) and Richard Donner’s “Radio Flyer” (1992). In another box office hit resonant of his earlier victimization by Close, Douglas was drawn to the flame of a bisexual, man-eating lover (Sharon Stone) in “Basic Instinct” (1992). The film brought a firestorm of criticism from the gay community, but audiences flocked to see Paul Verhoeven’s sexy and stylish thriller. Around that same time, Douglas went through a stint of treatment for alcohol abuse, and the following year, scored again at the box office as a government employee on a revenge spree in Schumacher’s “Falling Down” (1993), though the critically lambasted film was tagged “wildly stupid” and “morally dangerous.”

Douglas produced “Made in America” (1993), a questionable comic pairing of Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson, before succumbing to a woman once again in “Disclosure” (1994). Based on Michael Crichton’s best-selling novel, the film told the story of a male executive sexually harassed by his female boss (Demi Moore). In a more lighthearted exploration of the battle of the sexes, Douglas starred as a single, handsome, commander-in-chief in Rob Reiner’s charming romantic comedy “The American President” (1995). He earned a Golden Globe nomination for his light and breezy performance as a widowed President trying to run the free world while romancing an environmental lobbyist (Annette Bening). In 1994, he signed a development deal at Paramount and produced and starred in the historical adventure “The Ghost and the Darkness” (1996), but the studio was much happier with two producing projects in which he did not act – John Woo’s actioner “Face/Off” (1997) and “John Grisham’s The Rainmaker” (1997).

Returning to the screen, Douglas had a box office hit as a ruthless businessman whose ne’er-do-well brother gives him an unusual birthday present in David Fincher’s dark thriller “The Game” (1997). After plotting the death of a wealthy young trophy wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) in “A Perfect Murder” (1998), Douglas delivered one of his most critically hailed roles as a pot-smoking college professor plagued by writer’s block in the sleeper hit “Wonder Boys” (2000). Onscreen he elicited sympathy for his bathrobe-clad sad sack, but offscreen the actor received a flurry of gossip attention over the end of his 23-year marriage to Diandra Douglas – amidst rumors of sex addiction and infidelity – and the beginning of his new romance and extravagant 2000 Plaza Hotel wedding to bombshell Catherine Zeta-Jones, 25 years his junior. Douglas reportedly fell in love with the Welsh beauty after seeing her in “The Mark of Zorro” (1998), proclaiming to all who would listen that he would one day make that woman his wife. The two were prominently (though separately) featured in “Traffic” (2000), the Steven Soderbergh Best Picture Oscar winner in which Douglas played a drug czar trying to rid the U.S. of substance abuse while his own crack and heroin-addicted daughter slips into ruin.

In 2001, Douglas could be seen as an Elvis-like hit man in the black comedy “One Night at McCool’s” and subsequently as a psychiatrist blackmailed into treating a patient with key information in the thriller “Don’t Say a Word.” After a long absence from television, the handsomely aging actor had a guest-starring appearance on the sitcom “Will & Grace” (NBC, 1998-2006) in 2002, earned yet another Emmy Award for his role as a gay suitor. The following year, while riding along in the media whirlwind surrounding his wife’s acclaimed performance in “Chicago” (2003), Douglas unfortunately earned more headlines than box office earnings for his starring turn as the head of a dysfunctional clan in “It Runs in the Family,” his first professional collaboration with his father. The father – having suffered from a stroke – and son made the inevitable press rounds, discussing their often complicated and conscientious relationship. Also that year, Douglas starred in the remake of the classic 1979 comedy “The In-Laws,” directed by Andrew Fleming, playing a gonzo CIA agent to Albert Brooks’ nebbish dentist.

After a small role as the bride’s (Kate Hudson) dad in the romantic comedy “You, Me and Dupree” (2004) and dealing with the grief of losing his half-brother, Eric, to a July 6, 2004 drug overdose, Douglas produced and starred in the uneven political thriller “The Sentinel” (2004) but fared better in the little-seen indie comedy, “The King of California” (2007), where he played a manic depressive dad obsessed with finding buried treasure in the San Fernando Valley. Two years later, Douglas proved to be the only saving grace in the wholly unnecessary romantic comedy “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009), a tired reimagining of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” starring Matthew McConaughey at his smarmiest. That same year Douglas starred in the less onerous, although completely overlooked courtroom thriller, “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” (2009). Douglas made news in early 2010 when his eldest son, Cameron Douglas, was sentenced to five years in prison for drug charges. Douglas and ex-wife Diandra appeared in court for his sentencing. Douglas, Zeta-Jones and Kirk Douglas all received a bit of bad press for writing separate plea letters for leniency to the judge, but after the verdict was read, Douglas seemed resigned and relieved, declaring the verdict “fair” and that “I think he’s in a safe place. He’ll be there for a while. And [he’ll] start a new life.” All of the legal drama unfolded just as he released the family dramedy, “A Solitary Man” (2010), in which Douglas received strong notices as a down-on-his-luck scoundrel desperately trying to get his life back on track.

The revered actor’s personal life took another dire turn in the summer of that year when he was diagnosed with stage-four throat cancer. The sad news immediately triggered widespread speculation as to the chances of his survival, even as Douglas prepared for the release of a film resurrecting one of his most iconic roles. In Oliver Stone’s long-awaited sequel “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” (2010), Douglas played fallen financial powerhouse Gordon Gekko, who, after being released from prison, seeks to repair the damaged relationship with his daughter (Carey Mulligan), enlisting her fiancé (Shia LaBeouf) in the effort. Soon after completing his initial round of chemotherapy treatments, Douglas at last received some good news when he was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe for his performance in the “Wall Street” sequel. In January 2011, Douglas announced more good news – that the tumor was gone and that his prognosis looked good, leaving him “relieved.”

Slowing down a bit after his illness, Douglas reunited with Soderbergh for his next two projects, appearing in the tense action film “Haywire” (2012) and then, much more significantly, portraying Liberace in the HBO TV movie “Behind the Candelabra” (2013), co-starring Matt Damon as the flamboyant musician’s notably younger lover.

TCM Overview can also be accessed online here.

Gail Russell
Gail Russell

Gail Russell.

Beautiful Gail Russell was one of the most entrancing actresses of the 1940’s. She was born in 1924 in Chicago. In 1944 she captivated audiences with her lead performance in “The Univited” with Ray Milland. She gave good performances too in “Calcutta” with Alan Ladd, “The Night has a Thousand Eyes” with Edward G. Robinson and “The Unseen” with Joel McCrea. A shy person, her career petered out in the 1950’s and she died in 1961 at the age of 36.

IMDB entry:

Gail Russell
Gail Russell

Gail Russell was born in Chicago, Illinois, on September 21, 1924. She remained in the Windy City, going to school until her parents moved to California when she was 14. She was an above-average student in school and upon graduation from Santa Monica High School was signed by Paramount Studios.

Because of her ethereal beauty, Gail was to be groomed to be one of Paramount’s top stars. She was very shy and had virtually no acting experience to speak of, but her beauty was so striking that the studio figured it could work with her on her acting with a studio acting coach.

Gail’s first film came when she was 19 years old with a small role as “Virginia Lowry” inHenry Aldrich Gets Glamour (1943) in 1943. It was her only role that year, but it was a start. The following year she appeared in another film, The Uninvited (1944) with Ray Milland (it was also the first time Gail used alcohol to steady her nerves on the set, a habit that would come back to haunt her). It was a very well-done and atmospheric horror story that turned out to be a profitable one for the studio. Gail’s third film was the charm, as she co-starred with Diana Lynn in Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (1944) that same year. The film was based on popular book of the time and the film was even more popular.

In 1945 Gail appeared in Salty O’Rourke (1945), a story about crooked gamblers involved in horse racing. Although she wasn’t a standout in the film, she acquitted herself well as part of the supporting cast. Later that year she appeared in The Unseen (1945), a story about a haunted house, starring Joel McCrea. Gail played Elizabeth Howard, a governess of the house in question. The film turned a profit, but was not the hit that Paramount executives hoped for.

In 1946 Gail was again teamed with Diana Lynn for a sequel to “Our Hearts Were Young and Gay”–Our Hearts Were Growing Up (1946). The plot centered around two young college girls getting involved with bootleggers. Unfortunately, it was not anywhere the caliber of the first film and it failed at the box-office. With Calcutta (1947) in 1947, however, Gail bounced back with a more popular film, this time starring Alan Ladd. Unfortunately, many critics felt that Gail was miscast in this epic drama. That same year she was cast with John Wayne and Harry Carey in the western Angel and the Badman(1947). It was a hit with the public and Gail shined in the role of Penelope Worth, a feisty Quaker girl who tries to tame gunfighter Wayne. Still later Gail appeared in Paramount’s all-star musical, Variety Girl (1947). The critics roasted the film, but the public turned out in droves to ensure its success at the box-office. After the releases ofSong of India (1949), El Paso (1949) and Captain China (1950), Gail married matinée idolGuy Madison, one of the up-and-coming actors in Hollywood.

After The Lawless (1950) in 1950 Paramount decided against renewing her contract, mainly because of Gail’s worsening drinking problem

She had been convicted of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, and the studio didn’t want its name attached to someone who couldn’t control their drinking.

Being dumped by Paramount damaged her career, and film roles were coming in much more slowly. AfterAir Cadet (1951) in 1951, her only film that year, she disappeared from the screen for the next five years while she attempted to get control of her life.

She divorced Madison in 1954.

In 1956 Gail returned in Seven Men from Now (1956). It was a western with Gail in the minor role of Annie Greer.

The next year she was fourth-billed in The Tattered Dress(1957), a film that also starred Jeanne Crain and Jeff Chandler.

The following year she had a reduced part in No Place to Land (1958), a low-budget offering from “B” studio Republic Pictures.

By now the demons of alcohol had her in its grasp. She was again absent from the screen until 1961’s The Silent Call (1961) (looking much older than her 36 years). It was to be her last film.

Gail Russell
Gail Russell

On August 26, 1961, Gail was found dead in her small studio apartment in Los Angeles, California.

– IMDb Mini Biography By: Denny Jackson (qv’s & corrections by A. Nonymous)

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